The Gendered Politics of Talent in Seventeenth-Century England
- Cambridge Political Thought and Intellectual History seminar (November 2024)
- Monsters & Domesticity Conference, University of Jyväskylä (March 2025)

Ambition in Early Modern Political Thought
- Early Career Seminar in the History of Political Ideas, Institute of Historical Research (July 2024)

Mary Astell on Ambition, Rank, and Talent
- American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (August 2023, online)
- Workshop 'Women in the History of Political Thought,' University of Toronto (October 2023)
- Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, University of St Andrews (May 2024)

Maria von Herbert on Life and Death
- Kant Reading Party, University of St Andrews (July 2023)

Mary Astell Against Political Friendship
- Early Modern Studies Seminar Series, Ghent University (March 2023)

Catharine Macaulay's Radical Critique of the Glorious Revolution
- ISIH Women in Intellectual History Seminar Series (January 2023, online)

Looking Beyond Women’s Feminist Thought in History
- American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Montreal (September 2022)
- David N. Lyon Speaker Series ‘The Politics of Sex and Gender Equality in Diverse Societies,’ Oriel College, Oxford (May 2022) (Video here)

Against Reasonable Partisans: Recovering an Early Modern Theory of Righteous Zeal
- Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, University of Oxford (February 2022)

Mary Astell on Moderation: The Case of Occasional Conformity
- Conference ‘Moderation in Eighteenth-Century Europe,’ University of Newcastle (January 2022, online)
- American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 2021, online)
- Cambridge Graduate Workshop in Political Thought and Intellectual History (January 2021, online)

Meaning and Morality: Maria von Herbert’s Challenge to Kant
- Conference ‘Early Critiques of Kant’s Moral Philosophy,’ University of St Andrews (September 2019)
- CWIP 6th Annual Conference by Women in Philosophy, University of Groningen (June 2019)
- Conference ‘The Problem of Objectivity of Moral Judgment,’ Institute of Philosophy, Klagenfurt (January 2019)